
About Me

Hello, my name is Julian. I am very excited for school tis year, I will be just one step closer to graduating and I can't wait. I am a very athletic person. I play water polo during the fall and during the spring I swim. I like to go out to slate or just go out for a swim. I am a goalie for the JV water polo tea. I was originally  a field player, but the coaches thought I would be better as a goalie. I did what I thought was best and hopefully next year I will be on varsity.

I have many interests, I enjoy watching MMA fights and boxing fights. I also enjoy skateboarding with my friends and brother. I am a huge star wars fan and breaking bad fan. I enjoy going out to the movies for a little distraction and to get my mind off things, but I also like a night in with my family just watching movies.

As a student I am a hard worker, I can be very shy at first but when I get more comfortable I will open up more. I am excited to start the year in a new math class and I know I will pass it.

1 comment:

  1. Good on you - nice to know you enjoy maths and sport
